Practice Information
Fall/ Winter: January 10 - April 3
Practice Locations:
Monday | LVF | 195 Troy-Schenectady Rd. Latham, NY 12110 |
Tuesday | 4BFC | 221 Victoria Dr. Delanson. NY 12053 |
Wednesday | GVF | 2080 Western Ave, Guilderland, NY 12084 |
Thursday | 4BFC | 221 Victoria Dr. Delanson, NY 12053 |
Friday | LVF | 195 Troy-Schenectady Rd. Latham, NY 12110 |
Practice Times and Locations:
Each request will be reviewed and approved based on pool space, availability, and swimmer skill level. These locations have limited spots for swimmers. Priority will be given first to 4-day per week swimmers.
- Squid Squad will be Offered Fridays only.
- Days and times are subject to change based on location availability, practice times, and enrollment numbers.
- Schedule requests are taken into consideration when creating practice schedule.
- Space will be limited by location and days.
- Coaches will group swimmers by age and/or the ability for each practice day.
Cost: Includes Logoed Cap, and all practices for duration of winter/spring session.
Squid Squad** |
1-day per week |
2-days per week |
3-days per week |
4-days per week |
Boys Varsity*** |
**Squid Squad (1-day, Beginner only, Age 5-9) :90 Min.
*** Boys Varsity (Available to attend any and all practices post varsity season)
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