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Practice Information

Summer 2024: May 13th- August 30th

Practice Locations:

Monday CGCC 13 Country Club Ln. Voorheesville, NY 12186
Tuesday 4BFC 221 Victoria Dr. Delanson, NY 12053
Wednesday CGCC 13 Country Club Ln. Voorheesville, NY 12186
Thursday 4BFC 221 Victoria Dr. Delanson, NY 12053

Practice Times and Locations:

Each request will be reviewed and approved based on pool space, availability, and swimmer skill level. These locations have limited spots for swimmers. Priority will be given first to 4-day per week swimmers.

  • Squid Squad will be Offered Wednesday or Thursday only.
  • Days and times are subject to change based on location availability, practice times, and enrollment numbers.
  • Schedule requests are taken into consideration when creating practice schedule.
  • Space will be limited by location and days.
  • Coaches will group swimmers by age and/or the ability for each practice day.

Practices Options Monday
Squid Squad - 6-7 pm 6-7 pm
1 Day 6-8 pm 6-8 pm 6-8 pm 6-8 pm
2 Days- Mon/ Wed 6-8pm - 6-8pm
2 Days- Tue/ Th - 6-8pm - 6-8pm
3 Days- Mon/ Tue/ Wed 6-8pm 6-8pm 6-8pm
3 Days- Tue/ Wed/ Th - 6-8pm 6-8pm 6-8pm
4 Days- Mon/ Tue/ Wed/ Th 6-8pm 6-8pm 6-8pm 6-8pm

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